Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I am working on

One of my big problems as a knitter is that I want to knit everything at once. I love to knit for other people and my children. With Christmas coming I would also like to knit for teachers. But it seems that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. I am hoping that one day my list of things to do will be in line with the reality of how fast I can knit. What I really need to do is enjoy what I am doing now and stop looking to the future. So here it is, what I have on the needles... This is the beginning of a Noro entralac scarf
Socks for my daughter
A Scrunchable Scarf for my husband out of Cascade 220 heathers
A Noro Wavy scarf that needs to be blocked
A Knitty Fish hat that needs finishing
A Little Sister Dress that needs buttons
A Cabled baby sweater that I am not enjoying because the yarn is not making me happy
A Tummy Warmer that will most likely be too small for the baby I am knitting it for when I am done
Alright, that is what I am working on. There may be a few more things but I think that if I finish these projects I will be happy. I will keep you up to date.

One more try at this blog thing

I am going to give blogging one more try. I really like to talk about knitting and nice yarn. I am trying to spin, but I think that it may take more practice. A recent weekend knitting has given me inspiration to try new projects and yarns.

I hope you enjoy.