Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spinning yarn

I love handspun yarn. When I saw pictures of it online I wanted to do it. I first learned to spin on a drop spindle. I tried to learn on my own but what made the process really click was going to spin night at my local yarn shop and seeing other people spinning. There is something fantastic about hanging out and just learning from watching. I just got a spinning wheel because I found the spindle a little slow to work with. But I am not that fast with the wheel yet, hopefully with a little more practice I will be a pro :) I also have to learn to ply.... soon. I am still not that great but it is a lot of fun. Here is a picture of some yarn I have spun on the spindle
This is my first yarn on the wheel
This is what I am working on with the wheel right now, the same stuff as the spindle